
COVID 19 / Health, Safety and Security Protocol.

In an attempt to ensure the health and safety, and to minimise the possibility of spreading infection to
any of our employees and visitors to our offices at Gold Reef City Mint, it has been decided to
implement the following minimum protocols.


Access to the premises.

1. Any persons entering the premises do so at their own risk.
2. All persons entering the premises will be medically screened by using a temperature control
3. No person will be allowed to enter the office area or workshop areas without wearing a
suitable face mask.
4. Should the person not have a face mask, one will be issued before they will be permitted to
enter these areas.
5. Before entering the office area, one will be required to make use of the sanitising spray at the
entrance to sanitise their hands.
6. Before entering the workshop area or glass department, one will be required to make use of
the sanitising spray at the entrance to sanitise their hands.
7. On exiting any of these areas, one will be required to make use of the sanitising spray at the
entrance to sanitise their hands.

Access for staff.

1. Staff entering the premises on arrival for work will still be required to make use the Biometrix
fingerprint access system. However, the apparatus will be sanitised before and after every
2. “Clocking out” for tea, lunch or at the end of the day’s work will operate on the same basis.
3. Should any staff member present with symptoms similar to those of COVID 19, the person is to
report this to management immediately and should not report for work until and the necessary
precautionary measures and actions are taken

Social distancing.

1. No employee will be permitted to work in an area where a minimum distance of less than 1,5
metres between members is not practiced.
2. Working areas, work tops and work benches are to be sanitised every hour.
3. No more than two (2) persons are permitted to make use of the toilet facilities at one time.
4. No more than one (1) person is permitted to make use of the kitchen facilities at one time.
5. Toilet and kitchen facilities are to be sanitised after being used by the person having used them.
6. No more than five (5) people will be permitted to attend any meeting in the board room or any other meeting room at one time.
7. These meeting facilities will be sanitised after every usage.

Couriers and visitors

1. Couriers collecting or delivering goods to the offices will be required to adhere to all the above and will not be permitted to enter the “general office area” unless it is absolutely necessary, and only after all the above precautionary measures have been taken.
2. Where possible, they will be attended to in the pre-foyer area.

Return to work.

1. Before staff go about their work everyone will be required to attend a detailed safety induction
2. Employees will be advised, verbally and in writing of the procedures, their responsibilities and requirements in terms of the protocol.
3. From Tuesday 5th May with only 20% of the staff members during the period 5th to 10th May. will be on site.
4. This compliment of staff members will primarily consist of department management and essential administration staff members.
5. From Monday 11th May, the remainder of the personnel will only return to work when the need arises.
6. Only 50 % of the members will be permitted to be at work at any one time.
7. The balance of staff will be permitted to return only once it has been deemed to be safe and should their services be required.

Personal hygiene policy:

1. All employees will regularly wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds;
2. No handshakes or other physical contact is allowed between employees or employees and visitors/clients;
3. Employees will sanitise their hands regularly with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with an alcohol content of at least 70%, after contact with any person or after contact with frequently touched surfaces;
4. Employees must cough into the fold of their elbow or in a tissue which must be discarded in a waste bin afterwards, and then wash their hands immediately afterwards as set out above.
5. Employees must avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.


1. Monitoring the adherence to these requirements will be the responsibility of the appointed
department managers and foremen.
2. Should any staff member present with symptoms similar to those of COVID 19, the responsible
person is to report this to management and the necessary precautionary measures and actions
are to be taken.
Should any additional requirements be forthcoming, these will be implemented as required.

Glenn Schoeman


Special thanks from the staff members

Following the events that lead to the lock-down, the staff members wishes to thank Glenn and Gill Schoeman for their kindness and compassion with the following statements : 


Dear Glenn and Gill, a very heartfelt thank you for all you have done for your staff during this trying time. You have gone far and beyond what was expected. Thank you for financially assisting staff where you can and making sure that they are safe and healthy during the lock down. We are blessed to have bosses like you. May you stay safe and blessed and know you are appreciated.
Candice Messias
Production Manager
Thank you to Glenn and Gill for always putting their staff members health and well being first. And for ensuring that we are taken care of financially during these uncertain times.
Juan Thomas
Thank you to Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Gill to take care of us. I wish them all the best, stay safe and God bless them and their family.
Nonthlahla Mbatyazwa
Glass Department
I just want to say thank you Sir and thank you Madam for being there for us during this hard time (Lockdown). If it wasn't for you guys, I don't know what i would've done. Thank you so much.
Glass Department
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr & Mrs Schoeman for everything that they've done for us. The way they are handling things at this difficult time. May the good Lord keep protecting & blessing them. They are the BEST bosses ever.
Agnes Mdalana
Glass Department
There are NO words sufficient enough to THANK YOU for everthing you have done for us during this pandemic. I feel overwhelmed by your caring nature and your non-stop effort to help us. Wishing God to do wonders in your life and your family.
Glass/Souvenir Department
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